We will never understand everything in this life. If we knew and understood the "WHY" behind life's perplexities and pain, we wouldn't need God, or faith. Sometimes God allows us to experience hard things so He can reveal His power and love to us. Then the glory will go to Him, not us.
Does the fact that there is a devil make you uneasy? Listen to what God's Word has to say about Satan: his origin, his aims, his limitations, and his destiny. Rejoice in the knowledge that he is neither a supreme nor an omniscient being, but keep your armor on!
Why would a good God allow suffering?
Why do people get sick? Who is to blame for physical suffering? How can illness be prevented? A look at these questions and more, and a reminder that we will only wish for physical healing as long as we live in our physical bodies. May God receive glory from our lives in both sickness and health!
God has created man with a controllable sex drive. Gratification cancels out satisfaction; satisfaction means no immediate gratification. You and I continually make the choice between the two...because we cannot have both.
How can you achieve great gain?
Do you know the history and meaning behind Halloween? Should Christians participate in Halloween festivities? Is it possible for Christians to have homes with "hallowed evenings"? Yes indeed! Listen and learn how.