What can you do when you pray, but get no answers? Can it be that God is asking you a question by His silence? Or could it be possible that you don’t hear the answer because you don’t know what to be listening for?
Recently, several evangelists said they had a special "word from Lord." What they prophesied did not come to pass. How are we to relate to the prophets of today when so many of their supposed revelations are obviously a complete failure?
Do you struggle with life’s unanswerable “whys”? Is it God who allows hard things, bad things, pain and death to happen? When we pray and it seems God does not respond, what is wrong?
Who are you? Take a long look into the mirror of God's Word to discover who you really are. And the person you are choosing to be has everything to do with where you are going in life.
To know God is to love Him. To love Him is to find security. To be secure in His love will make you bold for Him. Knowing God will help you to know who you are, and to find your place in His family.
As a Christian, how do you know which side of the various conflicts that arise in our world to "support" in your conversation?
Whether you find yourself part of a body that is under the authority and leadership of the Head, or among those who call themselves "religiously unaffiliated", listen to this sermon and be challenged to grow in your understanding of your place in and contribution to the church of Jesus Christ
Why not? Well...can a Christian serve without breaching the Biblical principle of the unequal yoke? without resisting evil? without blurring the line between church and state? without taking revenge? The Christian has a higher calling than that of a juror: to be an ambassador of peace and love.
A congregation sits hushed as a child barely six years old gives a testimony before his baptism and union with the church. Several times he loses his train of thought, and the pastor must prompt him. At last he finishes and is baptized on his testimony... What do you think of this picture?
Does this title seem to be an oxymoron? If worldliness is enmity with God, how can there be such a thing? If Christians are placed in the world to do God's work, how shall they relate to the world? Worldliness explained, four danger areas noted, and five helps given for the other-worldly Christian