To every Christian who has been slaving in drudgery for thankless beneficiaries: hear the message of an imprisoned preacher writing from a Roman dungeon and learn instead how to serve with joy!
Have you ever wondered, with the Christians in Rome, why it is that if God’s grace is so glorious in forgiveness, we shouldn’t keep on sinning so He can keep on forgiving us? If so, take the time to listen to Paul’s answer to them as found in Romans 6.
If Jesus was holy, what was there about Him that attracted the publicans and sinners? How can those who follow the pure and holy Christ relate to an immoral and degenerate world? Can Christians share His love in a love that draws sinners toward the Savior without becoming contaminated themselves?
Principles of life, taken from the Giver of Life. Let us, who have a legacy of faith in Him, be among the heroes who rise to challenges of our day, and permit Him to be sovereign in our family planning and life choices. "Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Cor. 6:20
Can a person choose which spirit will control him? Can anything be done to change the effects of a sinful ancestor on his descendants? Is there any hope for freedom from the bondage of sin? Learn what the Bible has to say about spirit possession and generational iniquity as you listen.
Demonic influences, evil spirits, satanic forces: how should a Christian deal with them? A Scriptural look at these spiritual enemies, and how God would have us relate to them. He is abundantly able to equip us for victory!
If the Holy Spirit is living in a person, how will He show His presence? By signs and wonders? By victory over sinful habits? By speaking in tongues? By making God-honoring decisions? A look at how the Holy Spirit works in the life of a believer today.
Christians are under the Scriptural directive to make sure that everything we do is to the glory of God. So what will glorifying God look like when we're on vacation?
Summertime can bring a unique set of challenges to the Christian. Is our view of work, pleasure, vacation, and modesty defined by the world or by the Bible?
Unrighteous anger is a wound that must be healed, lest others be hurt. In surrendering our wills to God, healing comes. But God cannot and will not force us to surrender our wills. A thought-provoking sermon especially directed to parents
This sounds like it will be hard to do! Do you suppose it would be easier….if we knew that we possessed something of incomparable value that no one can spoil? …if we believed that we have a personal and powerful Friend who will settle all scores fairly someday?
A look at Anabaptist groups of the past, and their economies, followed by an exposition on what the Bible teaches about wealth. They used the Word of God for their guide in the matters of wealth and possessions: do we??