We Are Not Alone

Amou Bondye
  1. Allelouya
    Sharon Singers
  2. Amou Bondye
    Sharon Singers
  3. Children of the Heavenly Father
    Sharon Singers
  4. Grace Bondye
    Sharon Singers
  5. Guide My Feet
    Sharon Singers
  6. Come, Bring Your Burdens
    Sharon Singers
  7. Hosanna
    Sharon Singers
  8. Joy Medley
    Sharon Singers
  9. I Am the Lord
    Sharon Singers
  10. Papa Nou
    Sharon Singers
  11. I Believe
    Sharon Singers
  12. Wout Bondye se Miste
    Sharon Singers
  13. Upon This Rock
    Sharon Singers
  14. We Are Not Alone
    Sharon Singers
Kreyòl Ayisyen
Amou Bondye
Sharon Singers

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