Why do people believe in conspiracies? From where do conspiracy theories come? Are these conspiracy theories actually the truth, and only those with real intellect and insight can see the truth? What is behind all this? Does it even matter?
In the ever-expanding list of disorderly behaviors identified by psychologists, what should a Christian parent believe? Do we change the basic Biblical child-training beliefs we have been taught? A brief look at several disorders, and a call to raise families according to the truths of the Bible.
Children come into this world thinking only of one thing: me, me, me! However, somehow children must learn that they are here to be of service to others. Their mentality must take a 180-degree turn... and the challenge for helping developing this mindset rests on their parents. How do we do it?
Do we have a vision for helping the lost to find Jesus? There are many opportunities and ways to reach the lost.
If human life is created by God, in His own likeness, it must be highly valued. Since God is the author of life, it is His prerogative to decide the beginning and the ending of it. We accept His standard as our own and protect the precious lives He has placed in our care.
Principles of life, taken from the Giver of Life. Let us, who have a legacy of faith in Him, be among the heroes who rise to challenges of our day, and permit Him to be sovereign in our family planning and life choices. "Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Cor. 6:20
Demonic influences, evil spirits, satanic forces: how should a Christian deal with them? A Scriptural look at these spiritual enemies, and how God would have us relate to them. He is abundantly able to equip us for victory!
Christians are under the Scriptural directive to make sure that everything we do is to the glory of God. So what will glorifying God look like when we're on vacation?
Absolute? or obsolete? These questions demand honest answers. Your answers to them will shape the way you live life here and now, and affect your destiny in the world to come.
In the time of national elections, Christians face extra pressure to become something they are not. Many times during election years, the question is asked–“Why don’t you folks vote; aren’t Christians to be a salt and a light? Why don’t you use the power of the vote and make a difference?”
Communion: a Christian ordinance, a commemoration, an anticipation, a confirmation, a participation in the sufferings of Christ, the Head of the church. We do not remember His death alone, but in the fellowship of the body of believers. Let us commune with Him, and with each other, "till He come."
Washing feet? at church?? Did Jesus really mean for people in the 21st century to do THAT? A study of our Lord's example in John 13, and the lessons He taught of spiritual cleansing, humble service, sacrificial love and equality, that will still bless obedient Christians who wash feet today.
Like a compass, the conscience guides us, helps us keep our moral bearings, know what is right and wrong. The Word of God and a sharp conscience will help us sort through the confusing situations that life sometimes brings us. Learn how to keep a good conscience, void of offense, before God and men.