We become like what or who we worship. God wants us to worship Him. In fact, He seeks people who will. Will we be one of those He finds in the distractions and hindrances of life?
Only the Gospel of Jesus has the answers to the world's problems. Politics is a sideshow that Satan is directing to distract our attention elsewhere. Ignore the distraction and join the real program: Christ's work on earth through the community of genuine believers.
Why do people believe in conspiracies? From where do conspiracy theories come? Are these conspiracy theories actually the truth, and only those with real intellect and insight can see the truth? What is behind all this? Does it even matter?
Demonic influences, evil spirits, satanic forces: how should a Christian deal with them? A Scriptural look at these spiritual enemies, and how God would have us relate to them. He is abundantly able to equip us for victory!
Communion: a Christian ordinance, a commemoration, an anticipation, a confirmation, a participation in the sufferings of Christ, the Head of the church. We do not remember His death alone, but in the fellowship of the body of believers. Let us commune with Him, and with each other, "till He come."
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus mentioned, and Himself practiced. The early church understood baptism to be a necessary step of obedience. What is the significance of this rite? How can we maintain a Scriptural view and practice of this ordinance?
To be a godly father may appear to be a daunting task. But the Bible way is really quite simple: teach your children about God, discipline them as needed, thank God for them, and don't anger them--and then do it God's way, over and over and over again.