Many people struggle for years with the emotional pain and depression that goes with an unforgiven sin against them, because they do not understand forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a matter of forgetting about it. What is forgiveness? Why forgive? How can I forgive someone who has wronged me?
Why we should require, search for, and trust in “formula” salvation.
The true story of how a prisoner found liberty in Jesus Christ.
First in a series on the Trinity. Although the actual word is not in the Bible, the concept of a triune God is found from beginning to end. This sermon concentrates on attributes and character traits of God the Father.
Psalm 91 is a psalm of trust and is especially meaningful to those who are exposed to danger and hardship. The words are a source of comfort and security and protection in times of sore need and deep distress.
A series of studies for young girls about how to build Christlike character.
A series of studies for young men on how to build Christlike character.
Do you feel spiritually unsatisfied, unfulfilled, or empty? Spiritual hunger only has one real answer: Jesus. He is enough!
Faith is one of the basic ingredients in getting right with God. It is a conviction of the reality of things which we do not see. Although many mock faith in unseen things in reality everyone believes in the invisible. Faith in God will bring you through many rough places, and finally, to Heaven.
What are the foundations of life upon which the righteous may build with confidence? In this sermon are five basic premises of the Christian faith, each one dependent upon the previous one. Satan attacks these five foundations, but they cannot be destroyed!
Can God be in control of a world that seems to be out of control? When evil is called good and good is called evil, and the innocent suffer while the wicked triumph, we sometimes find God hard to understand. But pain, suffering, and bereavement can all be part of God’s perfect plan.
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Though the Bible is remarkable in its origin, and in matters of medicine, science, history and prophecy; its revelation of Jesus and its life applications are its greatest gifts.
When God chooses, He can show mighty miracles by the hands of His prophets, as He did with Elijah. Elijah trusted and obeyed every word his God said even when it looked it would bring his death. The results were amazing.