When Jesus appeared to John in a vision He left him messages for seven of the churches of Asia. From these letters we see that God does not close His eyes to good or evil and that while the messages were to specific churches, they still apply to us today.
The Bible says that in the last times perilous times will come. What will be the signs of these times and how can we avoid being part of those who fall into hypocrisy and apostasy?
We all like the idea of love letters. When God sends one, what does He write?
Before Jesus left the earth He said that He would come again. Two thousand years have passed and the promise is still not fulfilled. Is there reason to believe He will keep His promise?
Some day Satan will be conquered forever, the judgement will take place, and the saints will go to be with the Lord. Are you ready for that day?
When Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem there was no room for them in the inn so Jesus was born in a stable. Is there room in your heart for Him?
The Holy Spirit is probably the most misunderstood person of the Godhead yet He is an important part of our salvation. It is a serious thing to offend Him. It robs us of peace and of usefulness. And if one continues to grieve and insult and quench Him, it may rob that person of his eternal reward.
The generation gap has been a problem for years. Parents complain that they can't reason with teenagers; they won't listen to advice. Teenagers say their parents are unsympathetic and don't understand them. The principles in God's Word still apply though to these problems of today.
In Pharaoh's house there were frogs in the bedrooms, on the seats, in the food. Yet when God let him decide when the curse of frogs should be removed, he said, "Tomorrow". It seems foolish that he asked for one more night with the frogs but in reality many of us are doing the same thing.
Sometimes Christians get the idea that they should be able to enjoy God’s blessings without being subjected to His testings. However, God has told us that trials and suffering can be expected. Jesus' presence and the grace to endure hardships are promised, not comfort and pleasure here on earth.
One of the biggest sources of stress in life is our relationships with other people. Is avoiding those we clash with the answer? or is there a better solution?
Although Simon Peter denied Jesus three times on the night before His crucifixion he later became one of the pillars of the church. His example should be an encouragement to all who have fallen in their Christian lives.
There is one thing that is absolutely certain—we all must meet God. The only question is; are you ready for that meeting?
Many people look at death as a dark hole into which people stumble when they breathe their last mortal breath. But for the Christian death can be the moment of final victory.
The church of Jesus is to be a pure bride for Him. To maintain this purity members who fail to live holy lives and are not repentant must be put out of the church. Some think church discipline cruel but when carried out in love it is for the eternal good of all involved.