In the last 150 years since Darwin wrote the “Origin of the Species” there has been extensive exploration of the sedimentary deposits for fossils. Look at the facts, and draw your own conclusion; has the unearthing of fossils strengthened or weakened the case for Creation?
In this issue: Where Is Your DNA?, LOVE... Love Not, Forgive Us Our Debts, Wanted: Father's Who Lead, Calvary Excludes Evolution, Truth Is Fallen In The Street, and more.
In this Issue: Selfish or Godish?, What does the Bible say about Purity?, Surviving a Broken Home, Cooperating Systems in Creation, What is Your Top Priority?, Do Christians Hate?
In this Issue: Sin Shortens Life, The Christian Home - Is There a Substitute? To Whom Does It Belong? You Are Related! The Lost Generation
In this Issue: Where, Why, Where? The Mind of God, The Mural, A Broken Spirit, Tax Time
In this Issue: None of These Diseases, Don't Put Out the Fire, The Doctrine of the Church, Taking the Children to Church, God's Stop Signs
In this Issue: Resolutions for 2021, "It Is Finished" In Creation, Exposing the Self-Love Concept, The Training Up of Children, What Can Transform Your Life
In this Issue: An Inner Watchman, Is Divorce Truly Lawful? The Word of His Power, The First Commandment, All Things New
In this Issue: Which Compass? God's Sovereignty Over the Nations, What Is A Family Altar? Nonresistance to Evil, A Visit to the Empty Tomb
In this Issue: Do All Roads Lead to God? Ordered Families in a Chaotic World, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, God's Wisdom, The Best Day of Your Life?
In this Issue: Your Permanent Records! What Does the Bible Say About Fear? Evidences of the World that Perished, The Importance of Friends to the Family, Accidents?
In this Issue: Parable on a Prison Wall, The New Birth, Of Days and Gaps, The Perfection of Divine Design, Steward or Owner, Dealing with Conflict
In this Issue: Forgive Them, What Is Truth, Do Fossils Disprove the Bible? Of Nuture & Admonition, Promises Kept
In this Issue: Successful Work, Have You Counted Them? Genetics and Babel, Boundaries for the Family, Orderly Finances, The Irony of Idols, Boundaries for the Family
In this Issue: Blowin' in the Wind? Have You Bought Gold Lately? Scientific Errors in the Bible? Selfish or Selfless, What's Your Vision? Heart Music