Jezebel embodied the essence of the feministic movement. Is the spirit of Jezebel permeating/infiltrating the church, the Bride of Christ? Do not answer that question before you listen to this sermon.
Probably you have never looked at a man and exclaimed, “There goes a hypocrite!” But as the prey sought by the hunter leaves a trail that can be identified and followed, just as surely does the hypocrite leave a set of tracks by which he may be marked. (Caution: the hypocrite may be you, yourself.)
Recently, several evangelists said they had a special "word from Lord." What they prophesied did not come to pass. How are we to relate to the prophets of today when so many of their supposed revelations are obviously a complete failure?
We live in an age where there is vast information at our fingertips. What are the dangers of the web and radio? Are we being caught in a trap of false information?
Does this title seem to be an oxymoron? If worldliness is enmity with God, how can there be such a thing? If Christians are placed in the world to do God's work, how shall they relate to the world? Worldliness explained, four danger areas noted, and five helps given for the other-worldly Christian