What is the church's mission? What is the mission of Christ? and more importantly what is your mission? We are all here for a purpose.
Session 1 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
God wants us to serve Him in purity and truth. Satan, however, is in an all-out war against Christians. We need strong Christian families in our world today. We need men—real men, to stand up for truth no matter the cost! Will you be one of those men?
What is the New Birth? It is a work of God in our hearts that makes us completely new. It is a passing from death to life, from Satan's kingdom to God's, and it will affect every area of our lives. Do you know what all this New Birth really involves?
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus mentioned, and Himself practiced. The early church understood baptism to be a necessary step of obedience. What is the significance of this rite? How can we maintain a Scriptural view and practice of this ordinance?
Christianity does not consist merely of observing certain practices. However the ordinances are perpetual reminders of great Christian truths. Each ordinance is a tangible token which aids our minds in comprehending the mysteries of God.
The most common emotion in the lives of human beings is fear. While we need fear to help keep us safe, too much of it will make us destroy ourselves. By the grace of God, this wrong fear can be overcome.
What is the nature of God's kingdom? By the kingdom of God, we are not talking about a kingdom that defends itself with guns or other weapons. We are talking about the spiritual reign of Jesus Christ, who lives in the hearts and lives of those who believe and follow Him as their Lord and Master.
Where did this term originate? What is the poison? Who puts it in the well? And finally, the most important question: how can the poison be eliminated so that the well will once more be safe?
If you believe in God as the supreme Creator of the earth you will realize that He is the only thing you can worship. Our generation has made money, pleasure, science and a host of other things its idols. Who are you worshiping?
The love of the truth is a life-changing focus, absolute and essential. Truth has tremendous power: it will either attract of repel. The love of the truth will set us free from delusions and deception, as we learn to know the One who is the Truth.
Many people emphasize staying physically fit while they pay no attention to their spiritual health. Yet spiritual exercise will benefit us even more than strong muscles ever can for it yields rewards throughout eternity.
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray He gave the Lord's prayer. It is one of the most well known passages of the Bible but this may contribute to praying it without thinking about the words. Have you really thought about what the Lord's Prayer means?
A careful look at the origin of “tongues”, a discussion on their abuse/proper use, some questionable claims and warnings, a study of confirming signs in the apostolic era, and at the end, a list of questions that will demand honest answers.