Christians ask, "Is Romans 7 about Christians, or unbelievers?"…In Romans, this chapter is a bridge between the life of sin and life in the spirit. Discover how God wants to enable us to keep His law, rather than being held in bondage by it.
Fatherhood is a choice, not an accident. It is not a job for the faint of heart. Like Noah of old, fathers are called by God to make safe places for themselves, their homes, and the church/school - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Noah shows fathers how to find grace in the eyes of God.
The flag a ship flies identifies that ship. What flag are we flying on the ship of our life, God or Satan's? Or are we trying to sail under both of them?
Have you ever wondered if Jesus is truly the only way to God? Or maybe you think that if there is only one way to God it isn't fair to those who have never heard of Him. If you doubt God because of these things this article is for you.
Through the so-called Christmas season, Santa Claus is much in the mind of American children. Books portray him, TV displays him, songs remind us of him, and the stores give opportunity to meet him! Does the Bible have anything to say about this contemporary emphasis on a mythological Santa?
Christians face many fleshly appeals that conflict with the claims of Christ. This message is a thoughtful, serious call to a life in Christ that is not controlled by fleshly desires.
What does it mean to be a man of God? Come, take a peak into the life of David Zeisberger and see what it meant for him to be a spiritual man of God.
How I think about myself matters. If I think wrongly of myself, there will be major problems. How does God want me to think about myself? A look into the Word of God to see what He has to say about the matter. To think of myself rightly will help me find peace and be a valuable part of HIs kingdom.
Since selfies are a modern development, does the Bible have anything pertinent to say to the subject? We are warned that the last days will be perilous, because “men shall be lovers of their own selves”. Consider: Can you imagine Jesus posting a selfie showing Himself washing the disciples’ feet?
Nearly every book of the New Testament says something about the Christian and his relation to the world. We are to be separate from the world, not only in dress but also in speech and attitudes.
In an era of politically active churches and religious organizations, Christians need to ask the question: “Are church and state truly compatible?” There are intrinsic, irreconcilable differences, including its purpose, structure and method of control.
To every Christian who has been slaving in drudgery for thankless beneficiaries: hear the message of an imprisoned preacher writing from a Roman dungeon and learn instead how to serve with joy!
Is regret for past mistakes repentance? Not necessarily . . . Here are seven marks of true, life-changing repentance.