From Gideon’s pitchers to the alabaster box, to the five loaves and two fishes and the bread we eat today—all needed to be broken. We too must be broken, like David and Peter, to be useful to God.
Even the most sincere "walk down the aisle" or the most passionate "sinner's prayer" is no substitute for Jesus' words, "take up your cross daily and follow me." Christianity is a life—not a one-time decision.
An elder speaks regarding brotherhood agreements—a concept common in Anabaptist groups. While abuse of practical agreements are devastating, Dale explores the potential for brotherhoods to come together in genuine unity of life.
With simple illustrations from the Bible and from history, this message inspires disciples to pattern after Jesus in servanthood, forgiveness, nonresistance and more.
"It's Jesus from the beginning, it's Jesus in the middle; it's Jesus at the end. What's important to Jesus is important to us. What empowered Jesus will empower us... The Spirit that raised up Christ will raise up the church to do a work for Christ."
At the heart of Anabaptism was a simple idea: "Jesus meant every word that He said." Dean Taylor's brief overview of historic Anabaptism is more than history; it's a call to stake our lives and lifestyles on similar, Christ-centered discipleship.
Jesus, the greatest "strong man" who ever lived, "pleased not Himself." Instead of controlling others, He influenced. Instead of selfishness, He used His strength for others and for His Father's glory.
What drives your choices, as a young person? What everyone else is doing, or a commitment to the Word of Jesus and the experience of new covenant living?
Pastor Melvin Roes shares from his heart and experiences (including the death of his wife) in this personal message. Faith in crisis is simply reaching out (in absolute dependence) to a God Who cares.
What role do grace, faith and works have in salvation? Rediscover a Biblical view of these terms and a New Testament perspective of salvation.
Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel of the kingdom, then instructed them to fear God, not men. How does reverence effect our message and our lifestyle?
"You are complete in Him." This message, which especially addresses pastors, emphasizes the centrality of Christ in the gospel, the sufficiency of Christ in salvation, and the completeness of Christ in Christian experience.
The true story of how a prisoner found liberty in Jesus Christ.
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36. The power of Christ liberates true believers from bondage to hatred, lust and wealth. Are you free?
How did Judas, a disciple who was deeply trusted, become the man that betrayed Jesus? A spirit of slander, a driving covetousness, and ultimately, a refusal to confess sin turned a Christ follower into a suicidal Christ betrayer.