This edition features the following articles: Fighting the Battle—Losing the War, The Home and Church Partnership, Never to Be Repeated, Our Sovereign God, USA—the Great Satan?, and more.
In this Issue: Playing Turtle, The Fruits of Evolution, The First Commandment, What Do You Read?, Modesty and Moral Values, and more.
In this Issue: What's Next?, The Books of God, Catastrophism Versus Uniformitarianism, The Value of Devotion and Solitude, Overcoming a Stubborn Habit, and more.
In this Issue: Going with the Flow, Home - A Bit of Heaven on Earth, She Wanted to Live!, Repentance - A Gospel Requirement, God's Flying Creatures, What Does the Bible Say About the World
In this Issue: Official Inspection Station, The Deceitfulness of Riches, The Devil Made Me Do It?, Teaching Personal Responsibility, Threescore Years and Ten, Eroding Religion, and more.
In this Issue: “Handmade”, Comprehending the Incomprehensible Love of God, Worth Dying For, Teaching Money and Material Values, Man Created or Descended?, The Paradox of Tolerance, and more.
In this Issue: Be Your Own Boss, Taking the Risk, To the Praise of His Glory, Respect for Authority, What Does the Bible Say about Conversion?, and more.
In this Issue: The Way, Fossil Facts, The Home-Our First Mission, The Security of the Believer, Whose Slave Are You?
In this Issue: Live Longer, Protect your Reputation, The Science of the Mind, Are there Answers for Our Violent world?, The Glory of the Cross, Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and more.
In this Issue: Is the Earth Flat?, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World, High-Speed Chase, The Biblical View of Predestination, Job’s Science Test, Teaching Children Respect
In this Issue: Sugar Pills, So You Want Friends?, Humanism and the Liberation Philosophy, The Chambered Nautilus, Where are the Men, The Christian and Political Action, and more.
In this Issue: No Littering; What is your Handicap?; What is Man?; The Final, Perfect, and Eternal Home; About Sin; What is Truth?; and more.
The person who writes for a Conservative Mennonite publisher faces one extremely important question. How can I make my story leave a proper Christian witness, give it a Scriptural flavor, and have it turn out “right” while still keeping it realistic?
It is a blessing to the church to have a constant stream of new “outsiders” coming into the church. It is a blessing to have a rising generation who articulates their doubts about practices of the past. These force us to evaluate our norm, our status quo, to bring it in line with eternal truth.
Can the insincerity of one who is baptized, void the baptism? Should they be rebaptized?