The Bible message is the same now as it was centuries ago. And the basic human problem is the same. Teaching your children the truths of the Bible while they are young is one of the most important duties of parents for God alone can direct them safely through life.
Is television for the Christian? Can we control it to where it will bless us? TV is affecting almost every home across the nation, do you want it in yours?
The polite thing to do when you receive a present is to say "Thank you". Any one who knows Jesus is extremely blessed. How much time do we spend being grateful for all God has given us?
Can I be sure that I am saved? What if there is some sin in my life I forgot about that will keep me out of heaven? The Bible teaches that the Christian can know his standing before God. There are answers to those questions.
Can God be a God of love when He allows pain or sickness to enter our lives?
The people of the world are mostly concerned with themselves and making sure they have a good life. As the children of God we are called to be separate from the world and its drives and passions. How does God want this separation to look in real life?
Down through the years Christians have believed the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Although over 40 humans wrote the books there is one central message, one code of ethics, and one plan of salvation. Surely God was the Author who inspired the writers.
What is wrong with Halloween? Is anything right about it? Is Halloween a harmless celebration, or is it a dangerous practice? Halloween observance continues to grow and Christians need to know the origin and meaning of it.
Many times we are asked, "Why do you wear that cap you on your head?" The Christian woman's veiling is a Biblical command that many ignore or try to discredit today but brings blessing when practiced the way God intended.
The virtue of contentment is not natural to the human heart. Even back in the early church materialism was a danger that Paul was led to warn others off.
The purpose of Jesus' life was to go to the cross to die. What was a Roman crucifixion like?
Alcohol is the most destructive drug in general use today. The reasons for drinking are various but the results of using liquor are the same; broken homes and broken lives. But the real question for those who are Christians and drink is "What does God think of my using alcohol?"
The Holy Spirit pleads with lost souls to be saved today. Too many people put Him off and say, "There's plenty of time, I'll get saved later." If you are doing this do you realize the danger you are putting yourself in?
One who steals deprives another of property that rightfully belongs to that person. Life today offers a hundred ways to be dishonest that we may be tempted to try in order to get ahead. Although you may never become a house breaker you still might be a thief.
Everyone has sinned —and so every one of us is guilty before God, and every one of us needs to be saved. By responding to Jesus Christ in faith we can find His divine salvation.