Does this title seem to be an oxymoron? If worldliness is enmity with God, how can there be such a thing? If Christians are placed in the world to do God's work, how shall they relate to the world? Worldliness explained, four danger areas noted, and five helps given for the other-worldly Christian
Worry is an almost universal illness. There is a never ending stream of things that can be worried about yet doing so never fixes anything. If you want to be free from the curse of worry learn to trust Jesus. He is the only source of true peace.
What magnetism did this Infant possess to attract adorers from a distant country? What latent powers lay within Him that the reigning monarch should murder so many children in an effort to quench this Rival? Is there a way to determine whether the worshipers are imposters, or genuine seekers?
What a question! Who wouldn't like to have no financial worries, especially these days when everything is so expensive? But - will money meet the needs of your soul?
How can I get saved and stay saved? Am I saved if I don't FEEL saved? The Bible has the answers to these questions!
The epitaph of all generations is: He was born; he lived; he died. One day your heart will forget to beat and the hearse will be at your door. Will you be ready?
The choice is yours, and the latch is on your side of the door. You may choose the rat race of seeking happiness and success, or the rest of soul that comes from knowing Jesus. But God has set a day when you will be in His hands, and what will He do with you in that day?
When the Holy Spirit quietly moves in the heart of a repentant sinner and changes him into a son of God we call it the new birth. It is a marvelous work of grace that humanly cannot be explained but that must take place if you want to reach Heaven.
Learn what it means to be truly young and free.
Is your life dominated by selfishness and pride? Whether or not you are a believer, discover new life in Christ by, like Zacchaeus, humbly coming to the Savior.