When a mother is NOT joyful, her children don't want to be around her, and neither does her husband. This sermon will help to identify joy-stealers, and better yet, offers Biblical solutions so that she may indeed become "a joyful mother of children" Psalm 113:9
Was Judas truly one of Jesus' disciples? Did he really fall away, and was he actually lost? A study of New Testament Scriptures about Judas Iscariot that offers answers to these questions.
Maybe you will meet your friend across the street; maybe you will meet God! Before you cross another street, prepare for a safe crossing. It may be just across the street— or to eternity!
A clear explanation of how Jesus erased our sin and set us free. And when the record of our sin has been covered with the blood of the Lamb of God, what do we owe the Justifier?
Heart-keeping is a personal discipline that must last a lifetime. How do we keep our hearts, from which all life springs? With diligence, focus, perseverance, and by pondering the path of our feet.
Pointers on how to think the truth, thoughts that our Maker wants us to dwell on, so that the marvelous minds He gave us will continue to function in the way that He designed and be a blessing to His kingdom.
What is really motivating the things you do?
God invites us to enter into the kingdom of heaven, in spite of how broken, sinful and ruined our lives may be. That kingdom is a treasure that everything must be given up to win, but it's a treasure that changes our entire life.
The body of Christ is meant to function in heavenly unity. Is this closeness possible? How can real people with real issues be knit together in Christ?
By our fruits we are known. Are we men of the cross?
From the story of Jesus calling Peter to become a fisher of men instead of fish, learn some parallels to being an evangelistic Christian today. Let us think more of the lost, and what we can do to reach them with the good news of the Gospel! Launch out into the deep!