When people do well in a performance, the common response is to give them a round of applause. The better the performance, the longer we clap. What does God see and feel when we clap for one another? Is it an innocent thing of encouragement?
Is there such a thing as anything other than an active Christianity? No, a Christian is a doer of the word, an ambassador for his King, embraces hardship as lessons in sanctification, and fills a place in the body of Christ. He is neither inactive nor passive, but alive and busy!
To whom do all lives matter? To God, Who created each human life with a soul, in His likeness, for a purpose. And all lives should matter to Christians, too. The beliefs they hold will affect their attitudes toward abortion, suicide, euthanasia, safety issues, and more - because all lives matter!
To whom shall we go for help in the all-important task of child training: worldly philosophies or Biblical premises? Listen to the 3 R's that every child should learn before he goes to school to get his second set. Learn 8 basic principles that parents should employ, many of them from Grandpa's day.
Traveling the uneven road of life, we meet disappointments, letdowns, offenses, hurts, and calamities.What or who will determine whether these unwanted encounters will make us bitter or better?
We will have relationships with others all our lives. How do we build them? How do we blend, while acknowledging diversity? Is truth or love more important in a relationship? There are answers to be found from the One who made us all, and Who will help us to have mutually satisfactory relationships?
Courtship is the pursuit of a relationship for the purpose of finding a life companion. Wise is the couple that starts slowly and considers well what they are doing. Keeping a long-range view will help them make decisions that will lead to treasured memories without regrets.
God has called fathers to an important role, one that takes courage. Why and when does a father need courage? With the help of his Heavenly Father, each Christian father seeks to lead his family to that Father, making that his chief aim in life. Fathers, be of good courage!
Do you struggle with focus in your spiritual life? Do church services seem stale, your Bible dry and unappealing? Could you have spiritual A.D.D.? The Bible presents symptoms, causes, and best of all, a cure: Where your treasure is, there will your heart (and attention) be also.
Idolatry is a bondage that enslaves many. You may be surprised, as you listen, to learn what comprises idolatry, and you may discover that you have been serving something other than God. But there is a way to be free; learn from God’s Word how to be freed, and enjoy liberty with His help!
What are the marks of homes that bloom for God? Just as blossoms vary in color, shape, and scent, so will homes vary; in talents, callings and abilities. But there is be one foundational principle in which every godly home is rooted: the goal to glorify God and bless His kingdom.
This message begins with the premise that it is right to be part of a church, then an analysis of two distinct types of churches follows. But what does God consider “right”? And if my church is not “right”, how I can help it to become so?
A clear explanation of how Jesus erased our sin and set us free. And when the record of our sin has been covered with the blood of the Lamb of God, what do we owe the Justifier?
How did Jesus fulfill the type of the Jewish Passover? How does His death coincide with the death of the Passover lamb? Most importantly, WHAT DOES JESUS' DEATH MEAN FOR US TODAY? How are Christians to live like Him? How does God's will affect the doctrine of predestination?