Christ's second coming is the hope of the church. The promise is clear — and we do not try to explain it away.
The Gospel of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity and our hope. What will happen to the person who accepts that Gospel as the truth on which to build his life? How will the world recognize the disciples of Jesus? Do you know how to help someone accept that Gospel for his own life?
Session 4 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
Does it matter what I wear? Take a look at what immodest dress is doing to our society and decide for yourself.
"We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men." This message is intended to remind us of those "off-stage," other-world spiritual realities, God's hidden work in the past, and to inspire us to faithfulness in our turn "on-stage."
Who can know the mind of Christ? What can we learn from God's creation? What are some of the mysteries of God? Listen to this sermon to find out more about the great God we serve.
Wisdom, as we commonly think of it, is the ability to follow a sound course of action, based on knowledge and long experience. Wisdom, as used in the Proverbs, begins with reverence and awe for God, and leads to living life in accord with God’s plan.
This book reveals the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.
All of us are familiar with people who are angry and bitter because of past offenses. Their relationships with others are in shambles because they refuse to forgive. Although many do not realize it, forgiving others is a beautiful gift you give yourself.
Why would God ever stoop to become a man? The answer? He loved us so much He wanted to make a way for us to be saved. Without the incarnation there could have been no perfect sacrifice for our sins and we would have been separated from God forever.
Have you been wronged by your friends or enemies? Are you miserable because of the wrongs that have not been made right? How much has God forgiven you?
Life is an aging process and for those who reach old age there are special challenges and blessings. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, describes life and old age well in the book of Ecclesiastes.
The central theme of the Book of Habakkuk is living by faith. Although the prophet lived in a land full of sins of every kind and prophesied judgement on those sins he found comfort in God.
In an era of politically active churches and religious organizations, Christians need to ask the question: “are church and state truly compatible?” There are intrinsic, irreconcilable differences, including its purpose, structure and method of control.