Can God be a God of love when He allows pain or sickness to enter our lives?
Absolute? or obsolete? These questions demand honest answers. Your answers to them will shape the way you live life here and now, and affect your destiny in the world to come.
The people of the world are mostly concerned with themselves and making sure they have a good life. As the children of God we are called to be separate from the world and its drives and passions. How does God want this separation to look in real life?
Down through the years Christians have believed the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Although over 40 humans wrote the books there is one central message, one code of ethics, and one plan of salvation. Surely God was the Author who inspired the writers.
We live in a strife-torn world. We have no choice in the matter. From north to south and from east to west, the blight of strife is everywhere. What is the place of a Christian in the midst of it?
What is wrong with Halloween? Is anything right about it? Is Halloween a harmless celebration, or is it a dangerous practice? Halloween observance continues to grow and Christians need to know the origin and meaning of it.
“Come ye apart and rest awhile,” Jesus invited His weary disciples. Could you feel comfortable inviting Him to your cabin? Would you invite Him to join in your leisure time activities?
As ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven, we have no role in the national politics of any nation on earth. While Christians are considered citizens of particular nations, they cannot become involved in national affairs. What are Christians to do when the laws of the land clash with God's laws?
How does a conservative, nonresistant Christian respond when asked to pledge allegiance to the United States flag? Don’t they represent another country?
The Bible has much to teach us about spirits, both helpful angels and opposing demons, magic and the occult, and what happens to the human soul after death. This study guide will lead you to realities about the invisible world from a Biblical perspective, comparing Scripture with Scripture.
In the time of national elections, Christians face extra pressure to become something they are not. Many times during election years, the question is asked–“Why don’t you folks vote; aren’t Christians to be a salt and a light? Why don’t you use the power of the vote and make a difference?”
Communion: a Christian ordinance, a commemoration, an anticipation, a confirmation, a participation in the sufferings of Christ, the Head of the church. We do not remember His death alone, but in the fellowship of the body of believers. Let us commune with Him, and with each other, "till He come."
Washing feet? at church?? Did Jesus really mean for people in the 21st century to do THAT? A study of our Lord's example in John 13, and the lessons He taught of spiritual cleansing, humble service, sacrificial love and equality, that will still bless obedient Christians who wash feet today.
How does the Christian decide what is right? What is wrong? Those who accept the Word of God as their moral code will live the safest and surest. Take Christ for your pattern and say, “I’m going to do as He did.”
The organized patterns of relationships and interaction in society is what the Bible calls the “world”. Four basic principles will guide us to right thinking and action as we relate to society and politics, and the follower of Christ needs to keep them crystal clear.