Something humanly incredible, divinely mysterious, and eternally significant occurred in the Incarnation of our Lord. Jesus became totally human while continuing to be 100% divine. By His sinless life, sacrificial death, and resurrection in a glorified body, He is worthy to be Lord of all!
Climate change is a topic of discussion. What does it mean? Some may feel it is because "Mother Nature" is upset with humans. Christians believe it is a way that "Father God" is using to awaken men to the seriousness of sin and the consequences of it.
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Though the Bible is remarkable in its origin, and in matters of medicine, science, history and prophecy; its revelation of Jesus and its life applications are its greatest gifts.
When there are so many religions and so many churches all claiming to be right, how can a person know the right way to heaven? This is an old question, and millions are still asking it.
No, life is not always fair—at least not in the way we measure fairness. It’s easy to become angry or bitter when life doesn’t seem fair. We may feel cheated or wonder whether there is a God who cares.
If we don not forgive, God will not forgive us, but when we choose to forgive, God will help us. Forgiveness doesn't come easy, but unforgiveness destroys human relationships and our relationship with God. We need each other. We need God. Choose to Forgive.
What could possibly make God jealous? There is only one thing in all the world that could, and that is if you and I, the crown of His creation and the rejoicing of his heart, would spurn Him and reject His love.
Jesus Christ is coming again. The Bible says so. But why is He coming? What will He do when He comes? Why should His coming be important to me or you? To help answer those questions, let’s review why He came the first time.
Session 2 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".