A series of studies for young girls about how to build Christlike character.
A series of studies for young men on how to build Christlike character.
Guilt is our human emotional response to a broken law, or what we perceive as a a broken law. There is no good solution for guilt: but the Bible provides the solution for sin. When the sin has been dealt with, the guilt will disappear.
How do we deal with sin and the shame that comes with it? Many turn to substance abuse to dull the pain. Others try do do good works. But only through Jesus Christ can we be healed.
“How do you plead?” the judge asked. I swallowed. I hadn’t realized how difficult this would be. “Guilty,” I answered. Guilty. We have all felt guilty at one time or another. More than that, we have all been guilty.
Do you know the history and meaning behind Halloween? Should Christians participate in Halloween festivities? Is it possible for Christians to have homes with "hallowed evenings"? Yes indeed! Listen and learn how.
Is Halloween just innocent fun? Where did this holiday originate? Why do people still observe it today? Do you know the meanings behind some of the common symbols associated with Halloween? Is it okay for Christians to celebrate this day? If you cannot answer these questions, read on....
There is NOTHING any of us can do to bridge the distance between a holy God and our sinful selves who long for peace, forgiveness and joy. This is bad news indeed! But.... there is good news! Have you heard it?
Evangelism was a very important part of the work of the early church. Christians went everywhere telling the good news. But as we read Acts and the epistles we can see that the work of evangelism gradually changed. This essay suggests making evangelism a church calling as well as a personal one.