When our sin separates us from the holy God, how can we bridge the distance between us? We cannot...but He has, and there is a way to be forgiven so completely that we are no longer guilty. God's Word shows us the road of confession and repentance that leads to a restored relationship with Him.
The bondage of sin and the burden of guilt: problems as old as mankind! What can be done to cleanse the conscience and free the soul? This sermon looks at confession, the related topics of repentance and forgiveness, and details the steps to take to restore peaceful relationships with God and man.
The Bible pictures God's people as strangers and pilgrims passing through an unfriendly world. The apostle Peter shows us that inspite of these earthly trials we can have hope and even joy, for four different reasons.
How do you know when you have enough? How much distinction should there be between HAVING and WANTING? God's Word warns the pilgrim of the hindrances of possessions, and encourages those who follow the Shepherd to let Him provide for their wants.
What sets a biblical church apart from the average?
Everyone wants to live a long time, but no one wants to be old. But even if the years stack up and a person reaches what might be called old age God has work for them in the church.
Our lives should make the gospel of Jesus Christ beautiful and attractive to the lost. This will happen as we follow the instructions God has given for the young people in the church.
God has called fathers to an important role, one that takes courage. Why and when does a father need courage? With the help of his Heavenly Father, each Christian father seeks to lead his family to that Father, making that his chief aim in life. Fathers, be of good courage!
A sermon of special interest to those thinking of marriage, but not limited to them. There is also counsel and advice for parents, an object lesson from a rose, and Biblical wisdom pertaining to the subject.
God created marriage and gave it as a special gift to man. Therefore it is natural and right when young people seek a marriage partner.
The Bible begins with the simple and yet profound statement that God is the Creator of all things. Those who oppose this view say that evolution formed the world. Which world view do the facts agree with?