The Christian's hope is based on his faith that his Lord is alive. Is there good reason to believe Jesus rose from the dead or are Christians deceiving themselves?
Prayer has been described as a telephone connection between God and man that is always available wherever you are. It is a privilege that Christians should be using daily. How is your connection with God?
It is possible to abuse the name of God in several different ways. A study of the Third Commandment reveals that we may misuse it not only by swearing but also by irreverence and hypocrisy.
In the last days of this earth a satanic trinity will arise who will attempt to consolidate the whole world around Satan. It will be composed of Satan himself, the Antichrist, and a figure called the False Prophet.
Do you know the scriptural reasons for women to cover their heads? Many professing Christians reject this command of God or attempt to explain it away. Yet there are many biblical reasons to practice it today.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, spent a great amount of time hunting for happiness. He sought it in luxury, knowledge, wine, and lust but he couldn't find it because it wasn't there. Finally he realized that the only place happiness can be found is in the Lord.
Nothing escapes the all-seeing eye of God. Is this reason to rejoice or to fear?
Christ came to earth once as a baby, the next time He will come as a judge. Are you ready for Him to come again?
Can you picture Jesus Christ on the cross? The pain, the blood, the agony. And yet no words of hate or pleas for release came from His lips. In His darkest hours He spoke seven times, and the words were words of love.
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to meet the needs inside and outside of the church. Among these gifts are miracles, healings, and speaking in tongues. Many Christians are troubled that we do not see more miracles; does this mean the Spirit is not moving in us?
The stories of Jesus have been preserved for us, His birth, childhood, baptism, temptation, ministry, teachings, suffering, death, and resurrection.
Divorce and remarriage—what does God think of it?
Christmas: it is more than a time to gather with family, eat good food, and unwrap gifts. Christmas centers around a person, Christ the Lord, and the reasons He came to earth so long ago.
In a world that delights in exciting the fires of sex, is it possible to keep a pure heart or to leave sinful relationships?
Worry is an almost universal illness. There is a never ending stream of things that can be worried about yet doing so never fixes anything. If you want to be free from the curse of worry learn to trust Jesus. He is the only source of true peace.