The Amazing Story of Christmas

A brief summary of the chain of events that brought a Savior to our dark world, and the surprise ending that God used to finish the story of redemption. What connection do these happenings have with people living in the twenty-first century?

   When we think of Christmas, we sometimes think of lights, gifts, and festivities. Or we may feel stressed because of all the holiday activities and expenses.

  But have you heard the incredible, true story Christmas has to tell? It starts with an unexpected and seemingly impossible pregnancy. But that’s just the beginning of a chain of amazing events that ends with a vicious execution and the unexpected reappearance of the supposed criminal. Here’s how it happened.

The Story of Jesus

  Over two thousand years ago an angel appeared to a young woman named Mary and told her she was going to have a baby. This presented a problem, because Mary and her fiancé Joseph were not married, and—well, she just wasn’t that kind of girl.

  That would not be a problem, the angel assured her. This baby would not be like any other; He would be God’s own son. Powerful. Loving. Perfect. His name would be Jesus.

   It all happened like the angel said. Now married and on a trip with her husband Joseph, Mary’s miracle baby was born. The desperate parents-to-be had tried to get a room in an inn, but the place was full. They ended up out with the animals, perhaps in a barn. A feed box, of all things, became the new baby’s bed.

   But this story raises many questions. For one, why would God send His Son from Heaven to be born as a tiny helpless baby in a world as imperfect as ours? Well, to put it briefly, Jesus came because the world has a problem.

   Even though we don’t like to admit it, the human race has a problem called sin. Each one of us has done wrong. We do things the way we want—like lying, lusting, and living selfishly—instead of the way God wants. Our sin is a barrier between us and God.

   This is not what God intended when He created the world and the first people in the human race. He made the universe a perfect place, but His enemy, Satan, deceived us into ignoring God’s design for us. We followed Satan’s lead and rejected God. As a result, all kinds of things have gone wrong.

   So what does all this have to do with Christmas and the birth of a miracle baby named Jesus?

   To make a long story short, our sin problem is why God sent His perfect son to be born into an imperfect human family. Jesus became a real flesh and blood person. He grew up, lived a perfect life among imperfect people, and showed us how to please God. Jesus became a bridge from earth to Heaven—from us to God.

   As a grown-up, Jesus taught a lot of hard concepts, many of which are recorded in the Bible. Jesus taught that we need God’s forgiveness for our sin. He showed us that we are selfish to the core and that we need a complete change of heart. Impossible, right? No, because He also said that He would change us from the inside out. He taught that there is no other way to God except through Himself.

   You might be wondering how anyone who lived and died a long time ago is even relevant to us today. How can a dead person be life-changing?

   But what happened after Jesus died was just as miraculous as His birth. Though he was wrongfully accused and executed as a criminal, He didn’t stay dead. Almost unbelievable, I know, but it’s true. He came back from the dead and returned to Heaven—fully alive, fully real, and fully capable of helping people like you and me who live thousands of years after He was born.

What Jesus Does Today

   Jesus is able to give our souls a type of new life. He’s even able to help us stop being selfish people. He can give us the power to do the right things. It’s like we become new people with a new purpose for living. Jesus calls it being born again, and you can read about it in the Bible in John 3. We don’t have to lie and cheat and be selfish. With new life from Jesus, we can make right choices every day.

   Of course, Jesus doesn’t make people stop sinning. He only offers salvation from sin as a gift. Free, for anyone who wants it.

   Did you ever imagine you could live life without being mean and selfish inside? Did you ever hope you could make it through a day without hurting someone? Can you believe there is a source of true peace that brings freedom and happiness?

   It’s possible—if we are sorry for our sin and ask Jesus to change us from the inside out. Then we can have the power to live the way God intended when He created us—the way Jesus described in another section of the Bible: Matthew, chapters 5-7.

   Christmas seems different when we look at things this way. It’s richer. It has more meaning. It’s life-changing.

   Jesus—the baby. The death-conqueror. The life-giver. The bridge to God. Let’s worship Him!

  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).

   For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life ( John 3:16).


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