A Road Map for Life

Do you know where your life is heading? (No, we don't mean whether you are facing north or west). Life is a one-way street toward eternity, and you will need a Road Map to assist you on the highway. Do you know where to find up-to-date guidance?

Acts 8:27–28 tells of a man from Africa who read aloud as he drove. We don’t usually recommend reading while driving—even if you are reading from the Bible.

But in the days of horses and chariots when the Ethiopian Eunuch drove, he doubtless received much instruction with little danger of running off the road.

Today, few people even think on the scriptures while driving. Nor do they think about the Bible while they are going about other activities. But they should. The Bible is the manual for operating our lives on the highway of life.

How can we prove that the Bible actually is the roadmap which guides us to the proper destination in this life and the next? Let’s look at life in England in 1730.

In 1730, some of the national beverages in England were alcoholic in nature. In fact, many Englishmen drank so much that public drunkenness dragged down the nation.

In England, in 1730, debtors were often thrown into prison. This imposed great hardships on their families.

Hungry, homeless children sometimes found themselves in prison for stealing food.

In matters of morality, many people in England were like a motorist who had lost his way without a roadmap.

Into this era of suffering and moral indifference came a man named John Wesley. After his conversion, he held up the Bible as the roadmap to proper conduct and happiness in this life, and to eternal life and bliss in the next.

When John Wesley died, he left personal possessions of a cloak and a worn Bible. But he had shared the Road Map with 180,000 people in England and other countries.

As these 180,000 Bible believers moved to share the Gospel with others, many people ceased to turn to intoxicants to blunt their misery. They now showed love and consideration to their families and to their fellow man. Happiness and a sense of direction spread.

Increasingly, creditors found more fair ways of dealing with debtors. Caring men and women provided homes for underprivileged children, thus keeping them off the street. In turn, many of these children were able to grow up to form stable, caring homes.

England had rediscovered their roadmap for the journey of life—the Bible.

Today, we at Lamp and Light Publishers continue to believe that studying that Road Map leads us to God. We believe we must study it for happiness and fulfillment. That is why we offer the following free correspondence course. This Bible course by mail could begin a welcome change in your life. Or it could serve to strengthen you in your present Christianity.

Use the form to enroll with us. Or write to learn about the other free correspondence courses we offer.


(For ages 14 and older)


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Year of birth: ____________

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Religion (check one box)  Protestant  Catholic  Other _____________________

If you are PRESENTLY our student, write your student number here: ___________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________


Mail to: Lamp and Light Publishers, 26 Road 5577, Farmington, NM 87401-1436

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