Jesus Our Scapegoat

Join me for a few minutes in an exciting journey into the realms of types, figures and shadows of Christ. Once the shadow is seen for what (or who!) it really is, Leviticus will be changed into a gold mine for you! In addition, your life may just change forever as well!

Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. -John 1:29 

Are you like me? I mean, does the book of Leviticus at times seem a bit of an unnecessary appendix to the revelation of God to man?

If so, join me for a few minutes in an exciting journey into the realms of types, figures and shadows. Once the shadow is seen for what (or who!) it really is, Leviticus will be changed into a gold mine for you! In addition, your life may just change forever as well!

Shadows are slippery objects. It is hard to get a grip on one, and unless the body that makes the shadow is understood, all kinds of weird imaginations can arise. Having the New Testament before us is of immeasurable help, since Jesus and the apostles have given us a jumpstart in unwinding the mysteries of the Levitical law.

But imagine it! Think how it must have been for an Old Testament Jew, sitting in a synagogue, listening to the droning voice of a Rabbi go through the seemingly endless and unnecessary details of the various sacrifices. I am sure that the vast majority of the Old Testament saints missed the point entirely, and focused upon the physical and temporary applications. I myself would likely have done just the same. Probably only the few who were walking close to God had their spiritual eyes and ears open, awaiting the fulfillment of these majestic prophecies.

Shall we look into the heavenly realms and see what God “spoke before” unto his people? You will likely go away with a deeper love for Jesus, our scapegoat!

Mike Atnip

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