Master Your Anger

Are you an angry person? Read this article to learn how to identify an anger problem and deal with it. With God's help you can overcome anger!


My name is Dave, and I am an angry man! Today, by God’s grace, my anger no longer controls me. When I left home to begin my career and marriage, I did not know that I was an angry man. I did not think it was a problem. I thought I was in control. How foolish I was! In my anger, I hurt my wife, my children, my friends and myself. Then God began teaching me, showing me my heart as He saw it. He helped me to see the causes and consequences of anger. He taught me how to master it, how to truly “put it away,” as The Bible tells us to do. I have recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of the start of my learning path. I now know that mastering anger is a life-long journey. Anger has been a factor in medical conditions for which I may always need treatment. Thank God that He has made this help available to me! In this booklet, I have tried to distill the lessons I have learned into a few easy-to-read pages. I am doing this for the benefit of my friends whose struggles with anger resemble my own. Especially I am doing it for the men. We men often lack the time and patience to read the books that could help us. If you have time to read this booklet and find it helpful, please let me know. In this way you can become a part of my Life Story of victory over anger.

-J. David Hertzler

J. David Hertzler
Northern Youth Ministries

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