The Problem of Sin

You're stuck. There is no way out. You can't get away from your sin. But wait! There is a way out! You don't need to continue in sin.

  1. The Problem of Sin
    Jay Horst

The problem with sin today is that we just try to cover it over and never really get to the root of the problem. 

This Sermon covers the following points

  1. The Definition of Sin
    • 1 John 3:4 - Sin is a transgression of the law
  2. The Causes of Sin
    • We are all born with a sin nature. 
  3. The Temptation of Sin
    • Jamse 1:14,17 - Satan knows our weakness and will do his best to get us to sin
  4. The Results of Sin
    • The wages of sin is death
    • Sin destroys people
    • It takes us farther and farther from God
  5. Deliverance from Sin
    • Romans 10:9-10 
    • Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
    • Confess your sins
    • Romans 10:13 - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Jay Horst

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