Temptations threaten young men's Christian commitment to purity. This message challenges young Christian men to a life of victory and uncompromising holiness.
Young Christian women are bombarded with contemporary views on beauty, modesty and chastity. However, the young woman who is committed to Christ will allow God to define true beauty and right conduct.
A look at Anabaptist groups of the past, and their economies, followed by an exposition on what the Bible teaches about wealth. They used the Word of God for their guide in the matters of wealth and possessions: do we??
Do you wish you knew how to show a bereaved friend that you care about their heart-deep anguish? From the depths of personal grief, experienced when death snatched two of his sons, David suggests ways to share the sorrow of those who mourn, including some advice on what not to do and say.
We all have a dress code, developed either by design—or default. The Bible gives an objective standard by which to define modesty. No surprise, because the Author of the Bible was the Originator and Designer of clothing.
“Come ye apart and rest awhile,” Jesus invited His weary disciples. Could you feel comfortable inviting Him to your cabin? Would you invite Him to join in your leisure time activities?
How does the Christian decide what is right? What is wrong? Those who accept the Word of God as their moral code will live the safest and surest. Take Christ for your pattern and say, “I’m going to do as He did.”
The organized patterns of relationships and interaction in society is what the Bible calls the “world”. Four basic principles will guide us to right thinking and action as we relate to society and politics, and the follower of Christ needs to keep them crystal clear.
Live and let live! Many roads lead to Heaven! How should the Christian relate to such views? Arm yourself with the mind of Christ, and cultivate an allegiance to Him that makes you live like someone who believes that the end of all things is at hand.
The Christian believes that the Author of Life has control of life—from the cradle to the grave. We honor His views, we value children, and we look to Him to give meaning to every life He has created.
Is consecration the same as dedication? Does consecration have anything to do with choices? Who has the first word when it comes to the decision a consecrated Christian needs to make? And who will have the last word?
The criminal and the King were crucified side by side. Amid their punishment, the criminal was the first to fully see past the cross to the King coming into His kingdom.