"Flee idolatry", the Apostle Paul wrote long ago. Can we recognize what idolatry looks like today? And once we recognize what it is that is filling the place of GOD in our lives, do we know how to flee from it?
When there is conflict in the workplace, discord in the family, controversy at church, dissension among the school board, friction at the sewing circle, disagreement between pastors, there are three options: flee, fight, or forgive. Which is the best choice? And how do we choose it?
Have you been forgiven much, or little? We tend to have a wrong view of how much we have been forgiven. Our perception of our own sins and God’s forgiveness will affect our willingness to forgive others. How we handle the offenses we encounter will have a direct effect on how God forgives us.
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36. The power of Christ liberates true believers from bondage to hatred, lust and wealth. Are you free?
Idolatry is a bondage that enslaves many. You may be surprised, as you listen, to learn what comprises idolatry, and you may discover that you have been serving something other than God. But there is a way to be free; learn from God’s Word how to be freed, and enjoy liberty with His help!
How did Judas, a disciple who was deeply trusted, become the man that betrayed Jesus? A spirit of slander, a driving covetousness, and ultimately, a refusal to confess sin turned a Christ follower into a suicidal Christ betrayer.
The Bible has truths for everyone, but the book of Genesis is foundational to our belief about God, our reason for existence, ethics, morality, and the creation of man. The casting away of the book of Genesis is a sinister warning of moral decay in our society.
Part 1 of a 3 part series on personal and group witnessing.
You have left Jerusalem, and now you are being sent to Judea/Samaria. Where are those areas, for you? Who will you meet there? You may well meet folks seeking after the Lord, ‘if haply they might find him.’ Look for the seekers in ethnic groups, soup kitchens, prisons and elderly care facilities.
And now "to the uttermost"--the unreached people groups. How many are there? Where will we find them? And to all who have heard the Great Co-Mission as given by our Lord: Will you be a Goer? Will you be a Sender? Or--will you be Disobedient?
First in a series on the Trinity. Although the actual word is not in the Bible, the concept of a triune God is found from beginning to end. This sermon concentrates on attributes and character traits of God the Father.
Third in a series on the Trinity. How does the Holy Spirit work in relation to the Father? And the Son? What role does He fill in the life of the believer? Of the unbeliever? In the church?
Second in a series on the Trinity. The position and role of the Son, Jesus Christ, especially in relation to His Father and to our salvation.
Does the fact that there is a devil make you uneasy? Listen to what God's Word has to say about Satan: his origin, his aims, his limitations, and his destiny. Rejoice in the knowledge that he is neither a supreme nor an omniscient being, but keep your armor on!
Why would a good God allow suffering?