The primary purpose of prophecy is to encourage Christians with the news that the future with God will surpass anything we could experience on earth. Heaven will be wonderful!
Hell is an awful place and it is not God's will that any one go there. So He has set up a number of obstacles designed to help the sinner turn back from his downward path. We can bypass them if we choose but God has done His part to help us reach heaven.
Have you ever wondered if Jesus is truly the only way to God? Or maybe you think that if there is only one way to God it isn't fair to those who have never heard of Him. If you doubt God because of these things this article is for you.
One of the recurring themes in the Bible is that salvation is of the Lord. This is clearly demonstrated in the story of Jonah in the fish.
Through the so-called Christmas season, Santa Claus is much in the mind of American children. Books portray him, TV displays him, songs remind us of him, and the stores give opportunity to meet him! Does the Bible have anything to say about this contemporary emphasis on a mythological Santa?
Nearly every book of the New Testament says something about the Christian and his relation to the world. We are to be separate from the world, not only in dress but also in speech and attitudes.
One of the most beautiful and comforting of God’s attributes is that of His tenderness. The Scriptures present us with several illustrations and pictures of how God gently relates to man.
God hates all sin and so if we are trying to please Him we must avoid the things He finds disgusting. In Proverbs we are given a list of seven things that are abominations to Him.
One of the truths repeated over and over again in the Bible is the fact that Jesus Christ is coming to the earth twice. None of us knows just when He is going to come again but the Scripture clearly implies that it is possible for us to see the day of the Lord approaching.
Do you think your soul is affected by listening to Rock 'n' Roll? This poem is one author's vivid insights into ways that Satan uses Rock 'n' Roll to control souls.
Principles of life, taken from the Giver of Life. Let us, who have a legacy of faith in Him, be among the heroes who rise to challenges of our day, and permit Him to be sovereign in our family planning and life choices. "Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Cor. 6:20
Spiritual God-given gifts to Christians are an asset to the church. Some have to do with speaking or serving, such as the gifts of evangelism, teaching, prophecy, faith, and giving. What a privilege to be able to be of some service to the church!
In this article, we are called to look at our lives in relation to God's Word. Are we trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord; or are we leaning, falling trees that are allowing the culture around us to erode our roots?.
David is probably one of the best known Bible characters. He had his faults and sins but he always repented and turned back to God. There are many lessons we can learn from studying this man who was "after God's own heart."
A checklist for those who are serious about their walk with God. Hold your heart under His searchlight until nothing is hidden, and you and He both know what is there