Many people struggle for years with the emotional pain and depression that goes with an unforgiven sin against them, because they do not understand forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a matter of forgetting about it. What is forgiveness? Why forgive? How can I forgive someone who has wronged me?
Why we should require, search for, and trust in “formula” salvation.
Everyone recognizes that this world is full of problems but there is little agreement as to the solution. Advocates of the social gospel teach that the cure to all troubles is to adequately feed, clothe, and house everyone in the world. But is this the answer that Jesus brought?
Humanism is Satanic driven—essentially glorifying man in defiance of God. Humanism is an “easy” flip of Truth, in our easy-to-live, fun-filled, pleasure-mad, financially-driven, entitlement-minded, counter culture society.
The true story of how a prisoner found liberty in Jesus Christ.
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36. The power of Christ liberates true believers from bondage to hatred, lust and wealth. Are you free?
Idolatry is a bondage that enslaves many. You may be surprised, as you listen, to learn what comprises idolatry, and you may discover that you have been serving something other than God. But there is a way to be free; learn from God’s Word how to be freed, and enjoy liberty with His help!
Most of us have heard statements such as, “Isn’t it terrible how these young people are dabbling with drugs?” What is the ultimate cure to the drug problem?
How did Judas, a disciple who was deeply trusted, become the man that betrayed Jesus? A spirit of slander, a driving covetousness, and ultimately, a refusal to confess sin turned a Christ follower into a suicidal Christ betrayer.
The Bible has truths for everyone, but the book of Genesis is foundational to our belief about God, our reason for existence, ethics, morality, and the creation of man. The casting away of the book of Genesis is a sinister warning of moral decay in our society.
Day after day, people rush from project to project, responsibility to responsibility, obligation to obligation. Christ still says, “Come; I will give you rest." This invitation is from our Savior. Yet, as He walked among men, He was one who knew little rest. So how can this be?
Are you bothered by guilt? How can you deal with it?
The Holy Spirit has given different gifts to different Christians to be used in building God's Kingdom. Do you know what all the spiritual gifts include?
Most believers who have confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord have probably prayed that God would be glorified in their lives. So how is God glorified in the life of a Christian?