Christians acknowledge that the trinitarian nature of God is a mystery that no amount of illustrating and explaining will ever be able to unravel. Rather than apologize for this, we view it as further evidence that God is indeed the kind of God we need: a God who is greater than we can comprehend.
The doctrine of the trinity has been argued for centuries. What can we know about the Trinity?
There is no need to wander through life, aimlessly and alone. Reach out and take His hand! He will lead you to His eternal home to live with Him forever!
First in a series on the Trinity. Although the actual word is not in the Bible, the concept of a triune God is found from beginning to end. This sermon concentrates on attributes and character traits of God the Father.
Third in a series on the Trinity. How does the Holy Spirit work in relation to the Father? And the Son? What role does He fill in the life of the believer? Of the unbeliever? In the church?
Second in a series on the Trinity. The position and role of the Son, Jesus Christ, especially in relation to His Father and to our salvation.
We will never understand everything in this life. If we knew and understood the "WHY" behind life's perplexities and pain, we wouldn't need God, or faith. Sometimes God allows us to experience hard things so He can reveal His power and love to us. Then the glory will go to Him, not us.
Does the fact that there is a devil make you uneasy? Listen to what God's Word has to say about Satan: his origin, his aims, his limitations, and his destiny. Rejoice in the knowledge that he is neither a supreme nor an omniscient being, but keep your armor on!