Man's Finite Questions versus God's Infinite Providence

Is there a God that cares about what happens to man? Does He love mankind? Is He powerful enough to do anything He chooses? If so why is there so much suffering in this world? Why do some people seem blessed and others just struggle along? If He loves man so much why does life seem so unfair?


Is there a God that cares about what happens to man? Does He love mankind? Is He powerful enough to do anything He chooses? If so why is there so much suffering in this world? Why do some people seem blessed and others just struggle along? If He loves man so much why does life seem so unfair?

These are questions that pertain to life. There is an answer and it is found in 2 Peter 1:3. According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue. The answer: the knowledge of God. This booklet attempts to explore some of these questions.

-Amos K Martin

 The Unbeliever’s Dilemma

“How can there be a God in control - with all the evil and suffering that exists in the world?”

“The problem of evil and suffering can only be resolved by keeping God in the picture.”

Unbelievers, skeptics, professed atheists and agnostics abound in the world today. The public education system is geared toward making atheists of its students through the use of evolution and humanistic teachings. Why? I believe we would find that the main reason is that man wants to escape the realization of responsibility to God. The fact of our existence and the existence of everything else points to the existence of a creator, and the existence of a creator means we are responsible to Him. This is what man wants to get away from.

There is one theme that nearly all skeptics use as proof that there is no God. It is a thought that we should not just lightly dismiss, because to the skeptic, it is very difficult to apply to a reality in which God is in control of the universe. Even many believers have fallen into unbelief before this thought, and the devil is ready to use it in times of severe tribulation and trials. It comes in the form of a question: “How can there be a God in control with all the evil and suffering that exists in the world?”

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عدد الصفحات
Glenn Wenger
Weaverland Mennonite Publications

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